Liquidity Estimates: Paper, programs and data (Old draft, February, 2005)


Gibbs (April 7, 2005, about 12 Kbytes) contains Matlab routines to estimate the Roll model using the Gibbs sampler.

Liquidity (April 7, 2005, about 43 Megabytes) contains daily and monthly TAQ-based liquidity estimates for the comparison sample used in the paper (250 firms per year, 1993-2003). NOTE: The price impact and related measures (in the est file) are missing for August 1996. Thanks to Joost Driessen for catching this.


dsfLiquidity2003v01.sas7bdat (74 Megabytes) contains effective cost, liquidity, illiquidity and gamma estimates for the CRSP daily sample (1962-2003).

If you use these data, please drop me an email at I'll notify you of any updates. I would, as well, be grateful to know about any problems or other things you notice about the data. I make this dataset available on a "best efforts" basis. I believe, but cannot ensure, that the calculations are correct.

The dataset maps to the CRSP daily file: (almost) all stocks, from 1962 to 2003. For each permno, there is an (approximately) annual series of the liquidity measures described in the paper, including Gibbs and moment estimates of the effective cost, the liquidity ratio, the illiquidity ratio, the Pastor-Stambaugh reversal measure.

The estimates are based on daily data. I start with the first day a firm (permno) is in the daily file. Going forward, a sample break occurs when a year end is reached, or there is a change of listing venue, share code, share class, or if the CRSP cumulative price adjustment factor changes by more than 10%. (Most of the time there will be one record per firm per year).

The dataset contains estimates computed even when the number of observations is very low (and estimation error would be presumed to be large). In all cases I include in the dataset the number of observations used. In my own work, I generally ignore (set to missing) estimates when the number of observations is under 50. Use your own judgement.

Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
# Variable Type Len Format Label
12 I1 Num 8   Amihud illiquidity ratio
13 I2 Num 8   Square-root variant of Amihud illiquidity ratio
10 L1 Num 8   Liquidity ratio
11 L2 Num 8   Square-root variant of liquidity ratio
1 PERMNO Num 4   CRSP permno
34 PRC Num 4   CRSP, most recent valid closing price as of sampleEndDate
30 cLevelMean Num 8   Gibbs est of C, $/share
31 cLogMean Num 8   Gibbs est of c, log
4 cMdmLevel Num 8   Moment estimate of C, $/share, infeasible set to 'missing'
5 cMdmLevelz Num 8   Moment estimate of C, $/share, infeasible set to zero
8 cMdmLog Num 8   Moment estimate of c, (log eff cost), infeasible set to 'missing'
9 cMdmLogz Num 8   Moment estimate of c, (log eff cost), infeasible set to zero
24 comnam Char 32   CRSP comnam as of sampleEndDate
26 dFacpr Num 8   CRSP cfacpr on sampleStartDate / most recent prior cfacpr
21 exchcd Num 6   CRSP exchcd, as of sampleEndDate
16 gamma Num 8   Pastor and Stambaugh gamma
35 logMktCap Num 8   log equity market capitalization ($ Million) as of sampleEndDate
17 nGamma Num 8   # observations used to compute gamma
15 nI Num 8   Illiquidity ratios, # days used to compute averages
14 nL Num 8   Liquidity ratios, # days used to compute averages
2 nMLevel Num 8   # obs used to estimate cMdmLevel and stdLevel
6 nMLog Num 8   # obs used to estimate cMdmLog and stdLog
29 nMidGibbs Num 4   # days for which the reported price was a quote midpoint
28 nMissingGibbs Num 4   # days for which price is missing
27 nObsGibbs Num 4   # days used in Gibbs estimate, incl missing and midpoint
19 sampleEndDate Num 8 DATE9. Last date used to estimate liquidity measures in this record
18 sampleStartDate Num 8 DATE9. First date used to estimate liquidity measures in this record
32 sduLevelMean Num 8   Gibbs est, std dev of random walk component, $/share
33 sduLogMean Num 8   Gibbs est, std dev of log random walk component
22 shrcd Num 6   CRSP shrcd as of sampleEndDate
23 shrcls Char 1   CRSP shrcls as of sampleEndDate
25 shrout Num 6   CRSP shrout as of sampleEndDate
3 stdLevel Num 8 D12.3 Std deviation of daily price changes, $/share
7 stdLog Num 8 D12.3 Std deviation of daily log price changes
20 ticker Char 5   CRSP ticker as of sampleEndDate

Other properties of the dataset:

Data Set Name SASDS.DSFLIQUIDITY2003V01 Observations 285396
Member Type DATA Variables 35
Engine V9 Indexes 0
Created Thu, Feb 03, 2005 04:24:02 PM Observation Length 272
Last Modified Thu, Feb 03, 2005 04:24:02 PM Deleted Observations 0
Protection   Compressed NO
Data Set Type   Sorted NO
Data Representation WINDOWS_32    
Encoding wlatin1 Western (Windows)